Thursday, June 28, 2007
When you have been away from England for too long
I was just catching up on the BBC site to see what was happening in the UK. What struck me was that I only recognise about four or five of the cabinet members announced so far. It will be interesting to see how Gordon Brown does, it is always quite exciting when there is a new Government (even if he wasn´t elected by the people). With luck he will do well and hopefully withdraw from Iraq (or any other conflict which Blair might get the UK into now he is some kind of international peace maker). I have been out of the UK for six years now and was a little bit suprized at my lack of recognition of who the current political leaders are. With Spanish politicians I really wouldn´t have a clue apart from the leaders and the presidents of Madrid and Valencia, but I am happy with this situation because it doesn´t allow me to develop obsessive anger rages when they mess things up. However as part of my political education my objective de semana will be to find out who the ministers are here in Spain and over in the UK.

Labels: Politics
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Why is there always some retard at the front of the queue
Sometimes when I can´t be arsed walking to Ahorra Mas I go the Dia which is round the corner, and at 37 degress this afternoon I just couldn´t face it.
DIA always has long queues but the food is cheap and foot leather is saved, but 9 out of 10 times there is always a dithering fool pissing about with money at the front of the line. My solution is cattle prods that will get them moving.
Interesting to see today that Spain is pushing forward green technology. Its excellent news and hopefully the hub of these projects will move to Alcala and make the mayor think a little bit more about the environment here.
My technology news is that I have joined facebook, I read recently that it is middle class and I want to be a social climber, soon it will be no more DIA for me , I going to El Corte Ingles for my Jamon
DIA always has long queues but the food is cheap and foot leather is saved, but 9 out of 10 times there is always a dithering fool pissing about with money at the front of the line. My solution is cattle prods that will get them moving.
Interesting to see today that Spain is pushing forward green technology. Its excellent news and hopefully the hub of these projects will move to Alcala and make the mayor think a little bit more about the environment here.
My technology news is that I have joined facebook, I read recently that it is middle class and I want to be a social climber, soon it will be no more DIA for me , I going to El Corte Ingles for my Jamon
Monday, June 25, 2007
Not a bad earner
Victoria Beckham just recieved an extra cash bonus for being insulted, she was called "picky demanding and rude", she won undisclosed compo.
She is surely without shame, there are people starving and she makes a court case out of words which I have been called often and worse.
I know someone who met her while working and they said a lot worse than that about her. I wish she would just piss off from Spain.
Only a few days left in my job and looking forward to the next chapter, I have the feeling I had six years ago in valencia when I knew that anything is possible.
How many more soldiers have to die and get injured on these so called peace keeping missions? I have family out in Bosnia at the moment, although they wouldn´t agree with me I just don´t agree with UN intervention because I can´t actually remember any success stories.
Also I can´t really see the advantage for a settlement in Israel when certain groups strap people up in dynamite. It is a one sided peace? process but images like this do not endear people to a cause for freedom and self determination.
She is surely without shame, there are people starving and she makes a court case out of words which I have been called often and worse.
I know someone who met her while working and they said a lot worse than that about her. I wish she would just piss off from Spain.
Only a few days left in my job and looking forward to the next chapter, I have the feeling I had six years ago in valencia when I knew that anything is possible.
How many more soldiers have to die and get injured on these so called peace keeping missions? I have family out in Bosnia at the moment, although they wouldn´t agree with me I just don´t agree with UN intervention because I can´t actually remember any success stories.
Also I can´t really see the advantage for a settlement in Israel when certain groups strap people up in dynamite. It is a one sided peace? process but images like this do not endear people to a cause for freedom and self determination.
Labels: Politics
Monday, June 18, 2007
How to have empty roads outside a puente?
Move to a city where the football team wins the league. It happened a few years ago in Valencia. Only downside is that you can´t get to sleep the night before
Labels: life in spain
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Pure theatre
Soon I will be leaving my job, and I will miss the discussions I have with my pupils. we oftem debate politics amongst other things, however I feel disheartened, not because of the fact that we have some amazing indepth discourse about the future and present circumstances of Spain, but in the fact that the disdain these pupils hold for elected representatives. For the first few years in Spain , I put it down to their age, but when I reflected back to my experinece in the UK, many children had ambitions to be politicians, or work for the Government out of a sense of public duty or to better the world. I worked at both Middle class and Working class schools, but there was a sense in both of these institutions that people can make a difference. So it wasn´t their age or the fact that it was in Spain, it is I believe that politicians have wasted the chances they were given thirty years ago to develop a new Spain and improve the lot for its people.
Spanish politics has become pure theatre. In thirty years of democracy when a new deal could have been found, it has been turned into a self serving process for politicians. There are marches against gay marriage and marches which attack the personalities of politicians from opposite view points, marches which seem to me to play light of terrorism, while ignoring that something should and could be done to stop it, but there seesm to be a lack of protests against issues which effect the social and economic welfare of the people. I was reading yesterday on South of Watford that the only question that Rajoy asked of the prime minister was, what is he doing at the weekend? Is this somesort of Joke, or is it a reflection of the contempt in which politicians hold the people
Beaucracy and paperwork stiffle any attempt at economic liberalisation, friends of mine have told me that in paperwork alone it can cost up to 30,000 euros to set up a restaurant or cafe, unless it is set up illegally. This same beaucracy hinders people from going around their daily business, and living their lives simply, recently in the legalisation of papers department for non-nationals I was informed by the information desk in the legalisation department that they cant give out information about legalisation of papers. The only reasons I have ever heard for poeple becoming civil servants here is that they can´t be sacked and it will help them find a good mortgage, this is not to say it doesn´t exist but I have never been given the rationale of public service as a choice for this career path. When Spain joined Europe, money flowed and whilst there might be nice trains and shiny new roads, many people still have to survive on less than a 1000 euros and on contracts which are not really worth the paper they are written on. What has the present Government done about this, when it had a chance? Very little, in the last three years the circumstances of many workers has not improved
The housing market is in crisis or at least on the cusp of one and the Government reply is basically don´t worry (see the potential implications here on The Big Chorizo)
In Alcala, industry is relocating to other areas which results in job losses, while any attempt at developing new skills is answered by the authorities "send people on some cooking training courses with the unemployment office". What about a debate about public education, rather than the teaching of religion in schools. Spanish public schools are seen as some of the worst in Europe, there is money available to improve them and the morale of teachers, why for example in Valencia a few years ago did the Valencian speaking schools get new ICT suites before the others, is this not politicians playing (bad)politics?
Legalised sexual slavery is visable on many salidas from towns or at the sides of the motorways, and again I have seen no marches in protest at this dispicable act against women, who come here with the promise of work in a disco, but end up becoming future AIDS victims.
Immigrants are vilified, although many blogs hold out the hope that it will be better in the future, my friends who are black still see it has a them and Spanish situation, how can it be argued that all will be fine when a professional friend of mine still gets her basket checked every single time she goes to the self service checkout at a famous Spanish supermarket, she pays taxes does not wrong and is still viewed as a thief. I have argued before that immigration is the poker that prods the economy to keep it burining away at over 3% growth.
Certain sections of the population are literally disenfranchised, and although I am not in agreement with the cause of the basque nationalists, if they have no way of expressing their desires they feel at liberty to find alternative processes, there was a chance for a peace treaty and the politicians did not move far enough, and when Zapatero did, he was vilified as a supporter of terrorism. The conspiracy theories about 11/M still abound, do these people have no shame or respect for the people who died and were injured?
Politicians use nationalism in Catalunia, Valencia and Galicia to feather their nests, offer them referendumns, let them put their money where their mouths are, after the results are known they will still be part of Spain. Turkeys dont vote for Christmas
In my job there are several pupils who could have the ability to be high ranking politicians, when I say to them, go for the top, not one of them sees any virtue in being a politician, I might as well be saying aim to be on the checkout at Ahorra Mas. Is this the state the country is in when the next generation see being a politican as a not worthwhile job, in fact see it has a negative career development. It is a shame over the last 6 years I have taught many wonderful pupils who really could make a difference, but unless the current political game is changed for the better they will be turned away from public service.
Spanish politics has become pure theatre. In thirty years of democracy when a new deal could have been found, it has been turned into a self serving process for politicians. There are marches against gay marriage and marches which attack the personalities of politicians from opposite view points, marches which seem to me to play light of terrorism, while ignoring that something should and could be done to stop it, but there seesm to be a lack of protests against issues which effect the social and economic welfare of the people. I was reading yesterday on South of Watford that the only question that Rajoy asked of the prime minister was, what is he doing at the weekend? Is this somesort of Joke, or is it a reflection of the contempt in which politicians hold the people
Beaucracy and paperwork stiffle any attempt at economic liberalisation, friends of mine have told me that in paperwork alone it can cost up to 30,000 euros to set up a restaurant or cafe, unless it is set up illegally. This same beaucracy hinders people from going around their daily business, and living their lives simply, recently in the legalisation of papers department for non-nationals I was informed by the information desk in the legalisation department that they cant give out information about legalisation of papers. The only reasons I have ever heard for poeple becoming civil servants here is that they can´t be sacked and it will help them find a good mortgage, this is not to say it doesn´t exist but I have never been given the rationale of public service as a choice for this career path. When Spain joined Europe, money flowed and whilst there might be nice trains and shiny new roads, many people still have to survive on less than a 1000 euros and on contracts which are not really worth the paper they are written on. What has the present Government done about this, when it had a chance? Very little, in the last three years the circumstances of many workers has not improved
The housing market is in crisis or at least on the cusp of one and the Government reply is basically don´t worry (see the potential implications here on The Big Chorizo)
In Alcala, industry is relocating to other areas which results in job losses, while any attempt at developing new skills is answered by the authorities "send people on some cooking training courses with the unemployment office". What about a debate about public education, rather than the teaching of religion in schools. Spanish public schools are seen as some of the worst in Europe, there is money available to improve them and the morale of teachers, why for example in Valencia a few years ago did the Valencian speaking schools get new ICT suites before the others, is this not politicians playing (bad)politics?
Legalised sexual slavery is visable on many salidas from towns or at the sides of the motorways, and again I have seen no marches in protest at this dispicable act against women, who come here with the promise of work in a disco, but end up becoming future AIDS victims.
Immigrants are vilified, although many blogs hold out the hope that it will be better in the future, my friends who are black still see it has a them and Spanish situation, how can it be argued that all will be fine when a professional friend of mine still gets her basket checked every single time she goes to the self service checkout at a famous Spanish supermarket, she pays taxes does not wrong and is still viewed as a thief. I have argued before that immigration is the poker that prods the economy to keep it burining away at over 3% growth.
Certain sections of the population are literally disenfranchised, and although I am not in agreement with the cause of the basque nationalists, if they have no way of expressing their desires they feel at liberty to find alternative processes, there was a chance for a peace treaty and the politicians did not move far enough, and when Zapatero did, he was vilified as a supporter of terrorism. The conspiracy theories about 11/M still abound, do these people have no shame or respect for the people who died and were injured?
Politicians use nationalism in Catalunia, Valencia and Galicia to feather their nests, offer them referendumns, let them put their money where their mouths are, after the results are known they will still be part of Spain. Turkeys dont vote for Christmas
In my job there are several pupils who could have the ability to be high ranking politicians, when I say to them, go for the top, not one of them sees any virtue in being a politician, I might as well be saying aim to be on the checkout at Ahorra Mas. Is this the state the country is in when the next generation see being a politican as a not worthwhile job, in fact see it has a negative career development. It is a shame over the last 6 years I have taught many wonderful pupils who really could make a difference, but unless the current political game is changed for the better they will be turned away from public service.
Labels: Politics
Friday, June 15, 2007
I now feel like a proper expat, we have had three days of the runaround by telefonica: I have been telefonicasriseated. Threatened them with a denunciation and hey presto workmen came around tonight. On monday in the hospital again I was asked to queue for the registration for the second time in a month because the first time after queing for an hour and half, they made a mistake, I refused to and held my ground for half and hour or so, and then they let me push in. I have the key to bad customer service, dont move and hold your ground don´t threaten a reclamation and again hey presto problem solved. Although it can lead to a headache lasting for a couple of hours after. My new philosohpty is reply with the bad attitude and they will give in.
Some update on the ETA from two other great sites.
The Bad Rash
South of Watford
It seems to me that it is either black or white with regards to the ETA issue. If people are blocked from voting in a democracy, and today is the 30th anniversary of the return of democracy, where do people turn to. If you cut out a tongue the person must find another way of communicating and its not always hand signals.
On tele 5 breakfast programme this morning they interviewed several of the old party leaders at the start of the democracy, the Communist seemed really really happy and quite content, does this tell us anything?
Some update on the ETA from two other great sites.
The Bad Rash
South of Watford
It seems to me that it is either black or white with regards to the ETA issue. If people are blocked from voting in a democracy, and today is the 30th anniversary of the return of democracy, where do people turn to. If you cut out a tongue the person must find another way of communicating and its not always hand signals.
On tele 5 breakfast programme this morning they interviewed several of the old party leaders at the start of the democracy, the Communist seemed really really happy and quite content, does this tell us anything?
Labels: life in spain, Politics
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Google Earth
Quite an interesting article on Dizzy Thinks blog today about the possibility of terrorists using google maps. He quotes from an article in the New York Post
It was argued that terrorists can use Google earth to find targets. This balance between the positive aspects of technology and the negative downsides always seems to cause problems. Should the internet be a place for freedom and a tool for developing knowledge? For example I frequently use google earth in my family history research, to compare what life was like then using old maps and comparing the place to present day times. Its useful for identifying churches, streets, areas and the farms where many of my ancestors worked.
However I can also understand the other side of the argument, could Google Earth be used by criminals or terrorists to plot targets? My own particular problem with any curtailment of uses of technology on the web is that it could destroy the fundemental objective of the web, a free exchange of ideas and views and a superb resource for developing understanding of issues, history and society. I remember reading an article many years ago when I studied law about who guards the gate keepers, it seems to me that this is still a moot point.
It was argued that terrorists can use Google earth to find targets. This balance between the positive aspects of technology and the negative downsides always seems to cause problems. Should the internet be a place for freedom and a tool for developing knowledge? For example I frequently use google earth in my family history research, to compare what life was like then using old maps and comparing the place to present day times. Its useful for identifying churches, streets, areas and the farms where many of my ancestors worked.
However I can also understand the other side of the argument, could Google Earth be used by criminals or terrorists to plot targets? My own particular problem with any curtailment of uses of technology on the web is that it could destroy the fundemental objective of the web, a free exchange of ideas and views and a superb resource for developing understanding of issues, history and society. I remember reading an article many years ago when I studied law about who guards the gate keepers, it seems to me that this is still a moot point.
Labels: family tree, technology
Monday, June 11, 2007
X factor naming conventions
The three groups all have english names, which I would think in the UK would ensure at least top 97 or an entry in Eurovision rounds where still they would be 97 in the final if they arrived there. They are firstly Lady´s, very original seeing as they are all ladies, the second group is called United who have the talent of Leeds UTD rather than Manchester (big sorry for this to my cousins (this is a pre action forgive me clause)), and Sometimes which is just a shit name for a band.
The panel of Judges are stil going strong, the straight guy is just a bit boring, the female panelist gets more glam every time the show is on, and The Joker look a like is trying to be like a less camp Smon Cowell and flirts with all the girls. The flamenco guy is on now it is a shame cos he will not win, but the rest of tonights performers were constantly reminding me of when I worked at the Mainline social club in Armley, Leeds, I felt as though they should have been a break for the Bingo snowball rather than the Fiat ad. It was The Wheel Tappers and Shunters club but in Spanish
The panel of Judges are stil going strong, the straight guy is just a bit boring, the female panelist gets more glam every time the show is on, and The Joker look a like is trying to be like a less camp Smon Cowell and flirts with all the girls. The flamenco guy is on now it is a shame cos he will not win, but the rest of tonights performers were constantly reminding me of when I worked at the Mainline social club in Armley, Leeds, I felt as though they should have been a break for the Bingo snowball rather than the Fiat ad. It was The Wheel Tappers and Shunters club but in Spanish
Labels: tele
Bob Monkhouse and Spain
After many years of not visiting the doctor or needing madical help except for broken bones, I have literally spent the last year in and out of my doctors after a series of minor illnesses, the bacterias have finally caught up with me. It has given me loads of conversation starters with my Spanish family and as brought me closer to them, we now have lots more to talk about. Theres nothing like a good illness to get people fussing over oneself, and the cred it gives me with my Spanish reli´s is well worth the pain and medicines.
I know that our medicine box is truely Spanish because I have even offered to give medicines to our friends, and it take one whole shelf in the Kitchen.
What as this to do with Bob Monkhouse you may ask. I am reading his diaries and in one of his chapters about Larry Grayson, he states " Larry Grayson, blessed with just enough ill health to satisfy his demanding hypochondria", this year I can fully relate to this. My other X files link to Hypochondria is that it as often been commented that I smoke like Dot Cotton.
I know that our medicine box is truely Spanish because I have even offered to give medicines to our friends, and it take one whole shelf in the Kitchen.
What as this to do with Bob Monkhouse you may ask. I am reading his diaries and in one of his chapters about Larry Grayson, he states " Larry Grayson, blessed with just enough ill health to satisfy his demanding hypochondria", this year I can fully relate to this. My other X files link to Hypochondria is that it as often been commented that I smoke like Dot Cotton.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Sea of olives part 1
Just spent a wonderful weekend in Jaen, we stayed where we usually stay with R´s family in Menjibar (more on Menjiibar in the next few days and why it is worth a visit when driving through Andalucia), but paid a visit to Jaen capital. We often visit this provincial capital but usually a night because although blessed with Olives and the best people, it doesn´t have the greatest nightlight except in the capital. We have been to Jaen castle in the past which has been renovated and possesses an excellent visitor sentre with a google earth type computer which allows you to focus in on the houses in the town (this must break EU privacy law).This time we visited Jaen Cathedral. It was magnificent. It has a beautiful, well maintained borroque facade which enters into a Cathedral which is unlike another in Spain which I have seen, it is ornamental but not fussy. The stone work is a browny sandy colour which reflects the lighting well, so it seems to be a more jolly rather than sombre religious monument. The alter table is actually quite plain, but the backdrop the Main Chapel is a neo classical delight. In fact every chapel in the Cathedral is a unique example of Church art.
We drove back through the old town by mistake but we couldn´t have made a better error. It contained several churches and convents, a jewish quarter and lots of lovely traditional houses. Apart from the cars it could have been from fifty years ago. We had already eaten in Menjibar so we just has coffee and ice cream at La Columbiana, which had an amazing variety of gout bombs.
We had only intended to go shopping so I didn´t have a camera, so here are some stolen from the Internet

The facade

The Cathedral (I assume photo taken from the castle where the views are spectacular)

The Dome
We drove back through the old town by mistake but we couldn´t have made a better error. It contained several churches and convents, a jewish quarter and lots of lovely traditional houses. Apart from the cars it could have been from fifty years ago. We had already eaten in Menjibar so we just has coffee and ice cream at La Columbiana, which had an amazing variety of gout bombs.
We had only intended to go shopping so I didn´t have a camera, so here are some stolen from the Internet

The facade

The Cathedral (I assume photo taken from the castle where the views are spectacular)

The Dome
Labels: history, life in spain
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Donating to charity and gaining a stomach ulcer at the same time.
This is the last time I ever comment on Spanish Customer service because I literally cannot take anymore, gradually over the last six years I have become more accustomed to it and just accept it as that it is how it is, but today and yesterday I have been flabbergasted and more by the incompetance.
Firstly it took two days to get the account number and arrange a reciept from the charity, but I can accept this because its probably volunteers which run the phonelines and they obviously have other things on their minds such as the charity they are invovled in. However I finally found myself with the required details to continue with the transaction.
We bagged a lot of the money into those little plastic cases for coins and the notes could easily be counted at the bank. However the "problem" was that we had about 40 euros in assorted coins, none of them in enough quantity to fill the plastic cases, so I thought that we could count them at the bank, at the most with two of us and a bank teller it would take a couple of minutes at the most. We arrived at the bank, I wont name it but they recently bought an English bank, the office was on Avenida America. I immeadiately said to the teller when he had finished on the phone (probably to his friends if the sad prat had any), that this money was for XYZ charity, he looked at the bag of mixed coins and said NO. I replied that we could count them, he continued but they are not in plastic containers, I responded by saying it was for a charity which helps poor children in the developing world and here in Europe, he still refused. I was so angry that I just said how pathetic it was in Spanish and called the sad excuse for a worker a "gillipollas".
After 6 years, this is the worst customer service I have seen, he was too lazy or stupid to spend a few minutes counting money for a charity. What is the point of complaining to the HQ of the bank, if they do anything it will be his boss saying, "why did you do it?" and the reply will be , "because I did", then it will be "well thats Okay"
This is one of the infuriating things about people. How can somebody in a position of responsibility not give a shit, all he had to do was count the money, which I thought is what a bank teller does.
I just hope that Karma was working today.
Lets just hope that there isn´t an earthquake or something in his barrio and money can´t reach them because the bank tellers in doner countries can´t be arsed counting money and doing their job properly.
just a final word, he was such a gillipollas.
Firstly it took two days to get the account number and arrange a reciept from the charity, but I can accept this because its probably volunteers which run the phonelines and they obviously have other things on their minds such as the charity they are invovled in. However I finally found myself with the required details to continue with the transaction.
We bagged a lot of the money into those little plastic cases for coins and the notes could easily be counted at the bank. However the "problem" was that we had about 40 euros in assorted coins, none of them in enough quantity to fill the plastic cases, so I thought that we could count them at the bank, at the most with two of us and a bank teller it would take a couple of minutes at the most. We arrived at the bank, I wont name it but they recently bought an English bank, the office was on Avenida America. I immeadiately said to the teller when he had finished on the phone (probably to his friends if the sad prat had any), that this money was for XYZ charity, he looked at the bag of mixed coins and said NO. I replied that we could count them, he continued but they are not in plastic containers, I responded by saying it was for a charity which helps poor children in the developing world and here in Europe, he still refused. I was so angry that I just said how pathetic it was in Spanish and called the sad excuse for a worker a "gillipollas".
After 6 years, this is the worst customer service I have seen, he was too lazy or stupid to spend a few minutes counting money for a charity. What is the point of complaining to the HQ of the bank, if they do anything it will be his boss saying, "why did you do it?" and the reply will be , "because I did", then it will be "well thats Okay"
This is one of the infuriating things about people. How can somebody in a position of responsibility not give a shit, all he had to do was count the money, which I thought is what a bank teller does.
I just hope that Karma was working today.
Lets just hope that there isn´t an earthquake or something in his barrio and money can´t reach them because the bank tellers in doner countries can´t be arsed counting money and doing their job properly.
just a final word, he was such a gillipollas.
Labels: annoyances
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Marketing Budgets
Many years ago I worked part time for a marketing company in York, it was a great place to work, loads of fun and because I was basically at the bottom of the pile very stressless. I came to the conclusion that marketing is often money for old rope. Before I worked at an Art College and marked dissertations on corporate ID. So I have found it quite interesting reading the comments about the London olympic Logo , now it can cause fits as well as looking like japanese cartoon porn. I would have just had the five rings with London underneath in an exciting font on Word, maybe a bit of Word Art. I remember years ago when working for a Government department which changed to an Agency, there was a competition for all staff to design the Logo. we had the letters H and A to play with so many people including by boss at the time had a big H representing a bridge and the A underneath it representingthe road going off into the distance. It was too simple for HMG to award the prize to one of its employees so the final design was farmed out to an agency and suprize suprize it was an H representing a bridge and an A representing a road underneath it. Can´t remember the cost but it was a lot.
Spanish corporate ID is often simple i.e. telefonicas is the word telefonica, Endesa is a spark of energy and Don Simons is well Don Simon in red and yellow. Simple but surely as effective.
Spanish corporate ID is often simple i.e. telefonicas is the word telefonica, Endesa is a spark of energy and Don Simons is well Don Simon in red and yellow. Simple but surely as effective.
Labels: economics, wealth and stealth
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Having been near two terrorist acts in my life one in Israel when a bomb was discovered on my bus going into the airport and another when I was young in London on Oxford street, I am a peace process person, I believe that while people are talking no-one is being killed or maimed. So my view on the ETA announcement is that it is sad. The bombs in Barajas were a sign of a lack of seriousness on the side of ETA. Here is what the well respected English speaking blogs in Spain have said so far.
Notes from Madrid
Big Chorizo
Iberian notes
I don´t think that the Government has given into ETA since they were elected, I genuinely believe that Zapatero wanted a peace process, but it takes more than one side to reach anagreement.
Notes from Madrid
Big Chorizo
Iberian notes
I don´t think that the Government has given into ETA since they were elected, I genuinely believe that Zapatero wanted a peace process, but it takes more than one side to reach anagreement.
Labels: life in spain, Politics
400000 pounds well spent

I have just read that it looks like Lisa Simpson giving head. It is.
Well thats a different perspective on the London Olympics Logo
Labels: UK
Monday, June 04, 2007
family research
This summer i am going to put my family tree history online. While searching for pictures to upload during the summer I found these. One is a boat on which my ancestors emigrated to the USA, next are the buildings in Leeds where my grandfather lived and finally Prince Edwin Street in Liverpool. This street was a Catholic street and the street next to it had graffiti which was not complmentary to the Pope at that time.

the SS Alaunia

Gouldens Buildings in leeds

Prince Edwin Street, Everton, Liverpool

the SS Alaunia

Gouldens Buildings in leeds

Prince Edwin Street, Everton, Liverpool
Labels: family tree
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Weekends in Spain
Weekends in Spain (WIS) have often been the non prozac prozac (NPP) to get me through the week when its been one of those weeks. Currently with end of term and also the fact that I am leaving my job in one months time, with nothing signed for next year yet, I have really needed my weekends.
Sometimes during the week the Weekends in Spain are the Las Vegas on the horizon.
R is away so although I had plans for the weekend in the end I just stayed in and watched DVDs apart from the odd excursion to the park for Nova. It was nice just chilling on the sofa and eating Chinese. The excitement came from my friends adventures starting the Camino de Santiago ( I know that there is a book or play in this trip)
Back to the main point, I have always found weekends here amazing, no matter what the week has been like it seems to me that WIS´s are quite magical , they can be like a rebirth, they can take you down any path and redirect you. The variety of a WIS and the options open to you are numerous. When I first arried in Spain, I really saw it has a place where all can happen, maybe not a rags to riches story such as Ellis Island in New York where many of my ancestors arrived for a new life, but where you can walk freely without fear of crime, stay out having fun until well into the following day, eat good food and so far smoke where you want.
I remember once walking with my friend and her dog down the Gran Via in Valencia, it was night time and all the lights were on , they were white not yellow as they are in the UK, the park through the centre of the Gran Via was full of people enjoying themselves, walking to the next bar or disco. I started to cry and she said why are you crying, it was because I had this wave of blissfulness and contentment ride over me. The point is that when you are spending a weekend in Spain, this blissfullness is never far away.
Sometimes during the week the Weekends in Spain are the Las Vegas on the horizon.
R is away so although I had plans for the weekend in the end I just stayed in and watched DVDs apart from the odd excursion to the park for Nova. It was nice just chilling on the sofa and eating Chinese. The excitement came from my friends adventures starting the Camino de Santiago ( I know that there is a book or play in this trip)
Back to the main point, I have always found weekends here amazing, no matter what the week has been like it seems to me that WIS´s are quite magical , they can be like a rebirth, they can take you down any path and redirect you. The variety of a WIS and the options open to you are numerous. When I first arried in Spain, I really saw it has a place where all can happen, maybe not a rags to riches story such as Ellis Island in New York where many of my ancestors arrived for a new life, but where you can walk freely without fear of crime, stay out having fun until well into the following day, eat good food and so far smoke where you want.
I remember once walking with my friend and her dog down the Gran Via in Valencia, it was night time and all the lights were on , they were white not yellow as they are in the UK, the park through the centre of the Gran Via was full of people enjoying themselves, walking to the next bar or disco. I started to cry and she said why are you crying, it was because I had this wave of blissfulness and contentment ride over me. The point is that when you are spending a weekend in Spain, this blissfullness is never far away.
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