Sunday, June 03, 2007
Weekends in Spain
Weekends in Spain (WIS) have often been the non prozac prozac (NPP) to get me through the week when its been one of those weeks. Currently with end of term and also the fact that I am leaving my job in one months time, with nothing signed for next year yet, I have really needed my weekends.
Sometimes during the week the Weekends in Spain are the Las Vegas on the horizon.
R is away so although I had plans for the weekend in the end I just stayed in and watched DVDs apart from the odd excursion to the park for Nova. It was nice just chilling on the sofa and eating Chinese. The excitement came from my friends adventures starting the Camino de Santiago ( I know that there is a book or play in this trip)
Back to the main point, I have always found weekends here amazing, no matter what the week has been like it seems to me that WIS´s are quite magical , they can be like a rebirth, they can take you down any path and redirect you. The variety of a WIS and the options open to you are numerous. When I first arried in Spain, I really saw it has a place where all can happen, maybe not a rags to riches story such as Ellis Island in New York where many of my ancestors arrived for a new life, but where you can walk freely without fear of crime, stay out having fun until well into the following day, eat good food and so far smoke where you want.
I remember once walking with my friend and her dog down the Gran Via in Valencia, it was night time and all the lights were on , they were white not yellow as they are in the UK, the park through the centre of the Gran Via was full of people enjoying themselves, walking to the next bar or disco. I started to cry and she said why are you crying, it was because I had this wave of blissfulness and contentment ride over me. The point is that when you are spending a weekend in Spain, this blissfullness is never far away.
Sometimes during the week the Weekends in Spain are the Las Vegas on the horizon.
R is away so although I had plans for the weekend in the end I just stayed in and watched DVDs apart from the odd excursion to the park for Nova. It was nice just chilling on the sofa and eating Chinese. The excitement came from my friends adventures starting the Camino de Santiago ( I know that there is a book or play in this trip)
Back to the main point, I have always found weekends here amazing, no matter what the week has been like it seems to me that WIS´s are quite magical , they can be like a rebirth, they can take you down any path and redirect you. The variety of a WIS and the options open to you are numerous. When I first arried in Spain, I really saw it has a place where all can happen, maybe not a rags to riches story such as Ellis Island in New York where many of my ancestors arrived for a new life, but where you can walk freely without fear of crime, stay out having fun until well into the following day, eat good food and so far smoke where you want.
I remember once walking with my friend and her dog down the Gran Via in Valencia, it was night time and all the lights were on , they were white not yellow as they are in the UK, the park through the centre of the Gran Via was full of people enjoying themselves, walking to the next bar or disco. I started to cry and she said why are you crying, it was because I had this wave of blissfulness and contentment ride over me. The point is that when you are spending a weekend in Spain, this blissfullness is never far away.
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