Thursday, July 19, 2007


Why men should be able to use fans

In a metrosexual Madrid (see how many men have their legs shaved) why can a male not cool himself down with a fan without drawing the opprobrium of other their fellow citizens. In a place where Beckham gets away with being the gayest gay icon and men can cluck around the aftershave counter at El Corte Ingles like viejas around the olive shop in the local mercado, do male fan users get stared at as though they possess lepracy. Spanish machismo bravado society in my experience only exists when they are safe behind the car door and protected by changing traffic lights. I think its time for a new formation the MCUFWBSALF (males can use fans without being stared at liberation front). A fan is much more use when dealing with 38 degrees than wafting a 20euro note on the face while queuing


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