Thursday, May 17, 2007


Voting part 3

Some monsters who call themselves Alcala Habitable two days ago put a poster on the door of our building, Informing us not to be ostriches. I read further, it told us basically that immigrants are bad and indiginous population are good, and I assume that they believe Alcala would be a much nicer place to live if immigrants all left. Do these people not understand the irony of the fact that the reason Alcala is HABITABLE is because of immigration, the buildings, the growing economy , the new fushion of cultures. If they would have bothered in look further into the inhabitants of our building, there is a real mix of cultures, no problems, and now the idiot neighbours next door have gone, everyone is friends again. Needless to say I ripped the poster down and will definately not be voting for them.

The PP theme tune is really irritating me now, I would have thought handing out leaflets quitely and explaining the issues to the voters face to face might be more successful in helping them get their vote out. The Council did find time to clean the pirates mask that had been drawn on Esperanza in the park, her picture in the bus stop has a speech bubble now but my linguistic skills do not stretch as far as scribble, so I will never know the political intentions of the culprits. Maybe it was a couple of biddys waiting for the bus and they found that they were a little bit bored.


They want shooting, they really do.
who the immigrants or the racists?

Seriously, you can see what they really mean by 'immigration' when you ask them if you, as English (or German or American) should also be repatriated... the answer's always that they're more concerned by... 'other' types of immigrant.

Same as in the UK where Australians outnumber Kosovars, iraqis etc.
Tom you´re right, when it comes to EU residents in Spain, then the tune is usually totally different. These types of "political parties" nearly always get crushed at election time thankfully. Economic and Social growth in Madrid is immigrant led, they just can´t accept it.

What really annoys me is that the children of immigrants to Spain have to walk past these vile posters. I rip them down when possible
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