Thursday, May 10, 2007


Blair - good riddance

When he was elected in 1997 it was fanfared as a new Jerusalem, he believes it was and that he created one. I was one of the only people amongst my friends who didnĀ“t seem pleased. Today I have been trying to think of positive things I believe he could leave as a legacy. I thought of two main ones, the minimum wage, once the lowest in Europe but now one of the highest , due to market led forces in my opinion, what business was prepared to pay based on productivity and efficiency in the economy. Although philosphically I dont agree with tax credits, they have brought benefit to many many people, and they are a good legacy. The Northern Ireland pece settlement I believe he pushed along but the current stage in the peace process is down to the energies and compassion of the people of Northern Ireland.

However, I believe sincerely, that he has left the UK in a much much worse condition than when he arrived. During his tenure, we have had an illegal war which has costs tens of thousands of lives and has changed geopolitics for the worst. Corruption at a low level is rife at various levels of Government . Wistleblowers have been "got rid off" when they try to tell the truth, and this is followed by whitewashed Government reports. He has developed a cruel cancer at the heart of british political life (or continued it at least). Spin has nearly replaced all political dialogue The gap between the rich and poor is wider. His ministers vilified single mothers. The far right is on the rise and in powerful positions in some areas of local government. Genuine refugees have been found sleeping homeless on the streets. Crime is at record levels (or at least the perception is). Old people still die waiting for hospital treatment. Schools are still failing many many people. University education is no longer free. The United Kingdom is gradually developing into the disunited Kingdom, even in England the calls for a separate Parliament are becoming louder. Civil liberties have been eroded and his efforts on the environment have been words matched by very little action.

He has had ten years to heal the wide divisions which exsited in British society and I genuinely believe that they are now wider and he is resposible ultimately for this.

I am glad he has gone. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

As an example, his "legacy" still breathes poison into political life.


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