Sunday, April 29, 2007


Worlds Apart

A new princess was born today and as a somewhat royalist thats good news for Spain.
She is named Sophia after the Queen.

However the other news important to me today was in the Sunday times and related to something from my political days in the Liberal Democrats (I still prefer the term Liberal party, still dont accept these SDP upstarts, they are still labourites). However I digress. In a great multi-cultural ward in which many of my family live, a ward in which I have canvassed, delivered leaflets and used up tons and tons of shoe leather, the Labour Party have been accused of electoral fraud (see article in Sunday Times). Now I know it is not only labour who have in the past committed fraud, but this is a ward where the majority of the people work hard but much of the time life is a battle, in the last few years they have voted Liberal for a reason. This is a ward where there are high levels of poverty but people just get on with their lives do not turn to the far right for an easy way out, and they vote for councillors who work on their behalf. They have been neglected by labour for many many years and now Labour feel they have the right to basically view their democratic rights like crap. I sincerely hope that the culprits go to Jail, but like most politicians they will probably walk away scot bloody free. Grrrr

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