Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Health schmealth

I have to have an operation on my throat (the Spanish health system is the best in the world and even the door way at Alcala hospital is smoke free) so I am now officially a part of my Spanish family, we recieve regular calls for updates on my condition. I know the causes are shouting (which I do a lot of in my current job) and probably talking too much for the last 36 years. I love discussions of health in Spain because everyone has a story to tell. I must admit I am enjoying the cause celeb of all this.

One of my colleagues cut his finger today at 9 AM (well the top of his finger), by 4 PM he was having it amputated according to the grapevine which involves 240 humans at work, I phoned said colleague at 5 and it was back to cutting the top of his finger off. It was the topic of the day and the grape vine proved that in discussing health everybody has a story to tell it just might get changed a little has it does the rounds.

Bad for my health today was the crazy idea of tarting up the side of the motorway at rush hour. The head of motorway maintenance but really hate us commuters.

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