Sunday, December 03, 2006


Modernism or traditional

I am not exactly a film buff but have seen two films this weekend which led me to question the fact of whether I am too traditional or conservative (with small c). I sometimes feel that it is an insult to be seen as traditional today. I´ll explain this in the context of the films.

Firstly the new James Bond, I don´t know if it is my Spanish translation but he seemed to very touchy feely, why have they changed the James Bond formula, it would be like Rebus taking E and actualy be content with his life. I like James Bond to have missiles in his cars not medical kits, jump over rivers full of crocodiles not spend 45 minutes playing Poker and fly to space stations not take in the architectural delights of venice, he needs to crack sexist jokes not fall in love and have his heart broken.

The second film I saw was The Queen. I am a monarchist and thought that the Queens role was actually the correct way, putting her grandchildren first and when Prince Phillip looked and acted shocked when he realised Elton John was going to the funeral I would actually agree with him, who would want that publicity seeking prima donna at their new fridge opening never mind funeral.

R enjoyed the film and it is amazing how the Spanish view the British Royal Family, although R did think that Cherie Blair was quite nasty. So maybe modernism has faults as well.

I am traditional in many ways but I believe that there are a lot of good values to hold on to.

Talking about values I saw something in Madrid last night which made me feel angry and sick, someone has sprayed 11 M = ZP at the plaza at the end of Maria Molina. It makes my blood boil that certain people think that Zapatero is to blame for 11M. Is this resepctful to the victims, does this aid any discussion over the problems of terrorism, does this in fact engender anything positive?

I think the answers to your last 3 questions are:

1). no
2). no
3). no

The graffiti you saw is probably the action of one of the Peones Negros, selflessly dedicating their lives to spreading outrageous lies about the Madrid train bombings
It is unbelievable that people can play politics like this when we are talking about peoples deaths and injuries. It is a total lack of respect. I remember being handed a leaflet by them in Atocha a good few months back. Still the next time they do I can put my Spanish swear word vocab to some good use
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