Monday, November 27, 2006


Corazon, Corazon

I have been ill for about a week, there seems to be a zillion viruses in Madrid at the moment, everyone I know seems to be coughing, spluttering or making quick dashes to the loo. I am doing the latter but my voice is getting so hoarse that I have been likened to Vera Duckworth tonight on the phone. in Vera Duckworth mode I treated my self to a day in front of Spanish tele and was corazoned out. however Pantoja was missing today so I felt as though I had been cheated. If only Julian Muñoz could sendLa Pantoja a couple of million euros via a swiss account (like he did with his ex) it would bring her back to our screens.

I must admit I was a bit corazonny when asking R to get me some razors today itchy beard and irritable bowel dont make the best of friends. The pained expression on my face and weak voice would not be out of place on Dolce Vita. It always amazes me how the stars open their hearts and discuss all their suffering (aide memoire remind my sister not to marry a bull fighter), then they seem to leave the stage smiling.

I love la pantoja but I think it would be quite funny for her to spend a bit of time in Jail, can´t say this to R though, even if she was caught with thirty false planning permissions and a suitcase full of readies R would still say she is innocent.

Saw a man with a hunting gun again today in Alcala walking into the bar below where I live, its twice I have seen this. Watching street life is one of the compensations of missing work, normally I only see Alcala life post 6 o clock usually during the working week. Although when I start describing the daily changes in the buiding work carried out on the flat infront, and providing daily updates then it might be timne to see the man with the gun and ask for a favour.

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