Friday, November 17, 2006


Burking mad

When did a good percentage of European Countries go barking mad??? Holland is now wanting to ban the burqa . I dont class my self as a sandalista but this islamaphobia is going completly crazy. Since when did fashion sense or lack of sense become a thing for politicians to legislate on? People should be able to wear what they want even the trashiest alcala babes ( sorry for this but there is a large proportion of Alcala women who think ski pants are still stylish). I know that british airways thinks that someone wearing a cross is likely to cause a mid air conflagration but when we start legisating against clothes it really is coming to something. This is quote from the Dutch Government Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk, who is known for her tough policies, she said "it was important that all people in the Netherlands were able to see and identify each other clearly to promote integration and tolerance".

Where does tolerance come into clothing and how can victimising women who wear a particular type of clothing aid integration? In my opinion integration is a bit more than clothing actually paying taxes, being part of a community and not wanting to destroy a society seem to be rather more important that want somebody wears. There are always a few who might not want to be members of a society but we are talking dozens rather than thousands and I dont think Burka wearing women are a priori non - integrationalists. I know that there are arguments which push forward the view that women might not chose to wear burkas but are forced to, but this should be dealt with in an entirely different manner i.e. a debate about womens rights not banning clothes. If these citizens of europe wish to wear this type of clothing but the law prohibits it what do they do? Send them to jail? deport them? Sounds familiar to another European Loony who came to power with a message of intolerance in 1933.

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