Thursday, October 19, 2006


What the worst thing that can happen in a cinema

Saturday drove into Madrid to see The Wind that Shakes the Barley, booked the tickets online and then took two hours to find parking, then decided to drive back home for a Chinese takeaway, you know where you are with a Chinese takeaway, safe, secure and guarenteed to taste nice if drank in conjunction with wine, on sunday tried again, caught the wrong tube so we ended up arriving late, stressed and sweaty. When we arrived the intro music had started and our seats were in the middle of the back row (we are sooo romantic) (well every six months anyroad), Soon as I started to scramble over the people sat in the first few seats I needed the loo, so went out and visted the throne room, came back in got to my seat and realised phone had fallen on the floor, which I hadn´t switched off, so spent next two hours hoping no-one would call, because if it had gone off it would belt out some horrible europop and I would have to crawl on the floor searching for it. It didn´t so I didn´t.

However it was an excellent film, and I suppose my elephantine trumbling over filmgoers wasn´t so out the ordinary, on a recent visit to the cinema I sat between people smoking pot and a baby screaming. Well it was King Kong

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