Thursday, October 05, 2006


An ugly plot

Driving to work today I think I discovered a plot by the local government. In Madrid I think it is a well known fact that when you have any of the three types of police or the mobility agents directing traffic it is a priori a means to increase traffic chaos. They just seem to make matters about ten times worse and in my participant observational research many of the drivers just ignore the mobility agents. These are people dressed in police uniform but without sidearms and they wave there arms around pretending that they are creating Assisian harmony Anyway back to the evil plot, they were all wearing face masks, this could be because of two things firstly they are all ugly or secondly the council wants to protect its workers but not its citizens. Lets liberate the mobility agents bring in road charging and let their faces be seen.

While getting my daily dose of UK news on the BBC website I found a great deputy leader for the Tories. He is also a Dave, but a Dave Clutterbuck. He said Noah wouldn´t let gay animals on the Ark (Clutterbucks views are about as old as the Ark) but I think maniacs like this add a certain j´ne se qua to politics. Even better was the Liberal response , that was to send him on a diversity course.

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