Wednesday, September 27, 2006


You must see this

Today I laughed like I haven´t for a while. Whenever you are feeling annoyed or angry forget yoga and plonking candles around your bathtub, go to and type in postman pat. The newer updated version of that traditional favourite is now post modern postman pat. I shall say no more just watch.

Enjoyed a lovely two hour traffic jam this week, When I finally reached the scene of the crash, it was just a bump between a couple of cars and one of the "drivers" seemed to be screaming and waving his arms around at the Guarda Civil, I thought at this point, after about working my way through 11 marlboros, maybe the government should increase the powers of arrest?

Another thing is Blair´s list of his successes!!! In my city nearly one sixth voted for the far right, hospital wards are closing and now pensioners have to catch a bus in order to get their pension, quite a distance away from cool britannia.

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